10 reasons to take to the streets (not only) on Labour Day

1. Not on our backs – For fair burden sharing!
Employers want to use the Corona crisis as an opportunity to push through deteriorations for us workers, in order to pass this crisis on to us. But it is the capitalists who are mainly to blame for the crisis, not us – they should also pay for it. Money should not be the problem here, they have survived the crisis relatively unscathed thanks to enormous state aid.
While our livelihoods are at stake, the wealthy have increased their wealth even during the Corona crisis.
Therefore, let’s take to the streets – not on our backs!

2. Corona policy – Equal rules for all!
The government’s Corona policy is solely shaped by capital interests. For example, the claims of big industry are constantly used as a yardstick for the scope and duration of any measures against the spred of the virus. Throughout the past year, the role of factories and offices as potential sites of contagion has been largely ignored – but we do become infected wherever we come together with others, so logically also and even more in the workplace. By now, it should be clear to everyone: Inadequate measures for industry will only prolong the pandemic instead of ending it. The health and economic existence of the little people is being wantonly endangered again and again.
Let us therefore take to the streets in solidarity to fight the crisis:
The non-vital productions must be closed immediately, employees must be involved in the process – with 100 percent wage continuation.

3. Social division – Let‘s close the gap between rich and poor!
The inconsistent measures against Covid are dangerous to health, but above all, they are antisocial! Formally, the measures may be the same for all, but they are carried out on the basis of unequal social relations: Class, gender, origin…
The pandemic is not an equalizer, it has further torn open the already immense inequality of wealth and prosperity.
So while a few own far too much and their fortunes (even during Corona) are constantly rising, the vast majority of people have to see how they can make ends meet. That is why we demand a redistribution of wealth!

4 Successful collective bargaining – For more pay!
This year, collective bargaining is taking place in several sectors. The current situation offers the chance to bring together all the collective bargaining rounds and build a front against the attacks emanating from the capitalists. We must show solidarity with the demands of the unions.
Together we can demand much more for the working people in our society. It is us, the workers, who work out the (supposed) wealth of this society and should therefore not be satisfied with a few percent more wages as well as (actually self-evident) “improvements”! Why should we demand only a piece of the cake, when we can have the whole bakery? In a liberated society, we would be able to decide and plan for ourselves how to deal economically with issues affecting society as a whole, such as the Corona crisis. We would be able to decide how to tackle ecological and social restructuring, what we produce and how we produce. In capitalism, on the other hand, there will be no fair wage – due to the ownership structure, we can never dispose of the values (created by ourselves). On the streets for successful and militant collective bargaining!

5. Climate justice – For sustainable jobs!
Like the labor struggles, the climate crisis affects nearly everyone. In a few years, probably less than a decade, we will reach the point where the dire consequences of our actions can no longer be averted. However, the possibilities and opportunities to protect ourselves from the effects of global warming and environmental pollution are unevenly distributed.
The climate and corona crises did not fall from the sky. It can simply no longer be denied that in both cases we are dealing with the consequences of capitalist economy and its exploitation of people, nature and the environment.
Instead of creating and eliminating jobs depending on the profitability of the company, as is currently the case, the future viability and public benefit of the respective industry should be the decisive factor.
There are no jobs on a dead planet – Together for a collective, need-oriented and sustainable use of nature and against the profit-oriented destructiveness of the capitalist economic system.

6. International solidarity – the struggle remains global
Governments and businesses try to divide us and play us off against each other. The relocation of jobs to countries with lower environmental and social standards provides massive profits for the capitalists, at the expense of workers and the environment. At the same time, progressive workers’ and freedom movements in these countries are fought – also with German weapons, capital and political support.
Stop the division of the working class!
For good work in all countries – against exploitation and oppression!
Away with the ban of the PKK! Solidarity with Rojava!

7. Peace policy – Against militarization and war!
The German government sends weapons and soldiers all over the world to enforce German capital interests and makes an arms export record of 8 billion euros.
It does not matter if the weapons are delivered to despots like Erdogan or to any crisis area, the consequence remains the same: With our actions, we force people to flee their homes due to war and exploitation. These people drown day in and day out in the Mediterranean or die at the external borders of Fortress Europe. If they make it across the border and are not arbitrarily deported, they are harassed in camps in Europe or abused as cheap labor.
Let’s take to the streets against exploitation, imperialist wars and arms exports! The aggressive policies of the government, the banks and the corporations, which endanger peace, must be stopped! War must never again start from German soil!
On the streets for open borders! We demand: Stop all deportations immediately! Cancel the EU-Turkey “billions against migrants” deal with the Erdogan regime!

8. Fundamental rights – Against surveillance and restrictions of fundamental rights!
Governments are using the pandemic to impose even more control, surveillance and regimentation in our societies. We must not allow the Corona crisis to become a free pass for the erosion of democratic rights and new state surveillance. In the same way, right-wing extremist forces and conspiracy narrators must never be allowed to hijack the issue and use it to spread their racist and anti-Semitic ideas; we will not leave the field to them.
Take to the streets against the restriction of liberties like freedom of assembly or strike!

9. Inclusive class politics – uniting struggles
Let’s be in solidarity with our neighbors and colleagues, solidarity with anti-fascist, feminist and anti-capitalist struggles worldwide. We can only move forward if we lead our struggles together and see the different topics in relation to each other.
Together we are strong.

10. Labor Day: Together for the working class on the streets!
May Day has enormous significance for our class. As wage earners, we must use our day as a day of struggle to jointly take the expression of our struggles to the streets. We have to fill this day with content and make clear again and again that we live on the whole planet as workers in contradiction to the companies and the economy. We have to defend our interests against the governments and the companies! Only we ourselves can stand up for our rights!
Together we can build a society based on care work, regional economy and nature-friendly production and not on competition and exploitation. Together we can shape our future in systems in which each individual can participate.
For this it is worth to go to the streets and to fight! For this we have to organize!

Stop the exploitation of humans, animals and nature.